Friday, February 29, 2008

Oh! I'm Sorry

Yesterday, my wife and I went to the grocery to get some foods, while waiting in line to get some foods. A lady behind us saw us signing in ASL and all of sudden she tapped on my shoulder and said I'm sorry that you and your wife can't hear just sooo sorry, I gave that look to her and thought about it, finally I spoke to her she was shocked that i was abled to speak and let her know dont be sorry for us we are proud to be deaf and signed ASL, God has given us variety people to deal with. I mentioned again dont be sorry we are the same as you only difference is you can hear and we cant. She felt embarrassed and realized we are equal and we went about our business. Keep on signing.
It still amazed me and i kept laughing about it. New education for them to learn smile :).


Tracy Stine said...

It never ceases to amaze me the lack of common sense some people have eh? I've even had "ignorant" Deaf people say "I'm so sorry you can't see!" (I'm legally blind as well) hmmmmm??

John Lestina --- said...

LOL! You can tell the lady that you are so sorry that she can't sign!

Deaf Pixie said...

I laughed and can related similiar as what happened to me .. Many people feel bad about my deafness is ignorant. Poor thing over deafness..

Give me break!

John Lestina is right!

;) Deaf Pixie

Lisa C. said...

I agree with John ABC but I can tell them how sorry I am for their being hearing and they had to wake up at middle of night when hearing the noises. (muhaha!)

AslMan said...

Tracy, John, Deaf pixie, and Lisa thanks for all your comments. How true it is, I did thought about telling the lady to im sorry you cant sign but i let it go. Next time i will do that haha.
Tracy, I have work with deaf and blind people at Colorado school for the deaf and blind and deaf shouldnt say that, but understand everyone has their own challenge to go through life. Deaf and Blind are wonderful people sometime the blind can see things and understand that we can see, it's a challenge for everyone. Thanks.

BobRRR said...

And we are blessed to be able to sleep well through violent thunderstorms, neighbors' dog barks, sink leak drips, and many other loud noises. Oddly, some city people have problems sleeping in a VERY silent environment like no people, no car around like faraway in rural farmlands. After returning back home in city, the city noises are like music to their ears and then they bonk out through some loud, city noises all the night. LOL!

AND I had one of my hearing co-worker telling me, "I sometimes forgot you are Deaf and thought it as a compliment." I politely explained to her that it is not always true since I am a proud Deaf, ASL man.